Francisco de Zurbarán

Francisco de Zurbarán ( 1598-1664),pintor español.

Cristo en la Cruz.1627. 

San Serapio.1628. 

La Inmaculada Concepción.1630.

St Casilda.1630.                               Santa Águeda.1630-33. 

Meditación de San Francisco.1632.

Hércules desvía el curso del río Alfeo.1634. 

Hércules lucha con el león de Nemea.1634.

Hércules lucha contra la hidra de Lerma.1634.

Hércules y el Cancerbero.1634.

Hércules muere abrasado por la túnica del centauro Neso

La defensa de Cádiz.1634.

El entierro de Santa Catalina.1635. 

San francisco de Asís en éxtasis.1636-39. 

La adoración de los pastores.1638.

Martirio del Apóstol Santiago en Jerusalén.1640 .

San Francisco arrodillado con una calavera en las manos.1658.


Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (1591-1666),pintor italiano.

Susannah and the elders.1617. 

Apollo and Marsyas.1618. 

Erminia Finds the Wounded Tancred.1618-19.

Raising of Lazarus.1619.

Samson Captured by the Philistines.1619.

The Toilet of Venus.1622-23. 

The assumption of the Virgin.1623.

A Mythological Scene (Chronos ,Eros,Aphrodite and Mars).1624-26.

Venus, Mars and Cupid.1633. 

Salome Receiving the Head of St. John the Baptist.1637. 

Hersilia Separating Romulus and Tatius.1645. 


Saul Attacking David.1646. 

Ecce homo.1647.

David with the Head of Goliath.1650.

Lot and his daughters.1651-52. 

Martyrdom of St Catherine.1653.

Samson and Delilah.1654.


The Flagellation of Christ.1657.

Diana Cacciatrice.1658.

Bartolomeo Manfredi

Bartolomeo Manfredi (1582–1622),pintor italiano.

Bacchus and a Drinker.1600-10.

Cain Kills Abel.1600.

Allegory of the Four Seasons.1610.

Mars Chastising Cupid.1613. 

The Denial of St Peter.1615-16.

The Triumph of David.1615.

Apollo and Marsyas.1616-20.

Meeting Drinkers.

The Guard Room.

Guido Reni

Guido Reni (1575-1642),pintor italiano.

David with the Head of Goliath.1605.

The Crucifixion of St. Peter.1604-05.

St Cecilia.1606.

The Martyrdom of St Catherine of Alexandria.1606-07. 

Massacre of the Innocents.1611. 

The Triumph of Samson.1611-12. 


Atalanta and Hippomenes.1618-19.

The Rape of Deianira.1617-19.

Bacchus and Ariadne.1619-20.

Hercules Vanquishing the Hydra of Lerma.1617-20.

Susanna and the Elders.1620. 

Baptism of Christ.1623. 

Drinking Bacchus.1623.

The Toilet of Venus.1621-23.

Lotta di putti.1627. 

The Rape of Helena.1626-29. 


Cleopatra with the Asp.1630.

The Death of Cleopatra.1625-30. 

Salome with the Head of John the Baptist.1630-35. 

St Jerome.1635.

The Archangel Michael.1636. 

Caduta dei giganti.1635-37. 

The Rape of Europa.1637-39. 

Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist.1639-40 .

St Matthew and the Angel.1635-40.


Apollo flaying Marsyas.


Fortune Held Back by Love.

Madonna with a Chair.

Saint Sebastian. 

The construction of the Ark of Noah.