Joseph Noel Paton

Sir Joseph Noel Paton,(1821-1901),pintor escocés.

The Reconciliation of Titania and Oberon.1847. 

The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania.1849. 

The Bluidie Tryst.1855. 

In Memoriam.1858.

Dawn: Luther at Erfurt.1861. 

The Fairy Raid Carrying off a Changeling - Midsummer Eve.1861-67. 

Rime of the Ancient Mariner.1863 

Oberon and the Mermaid.1883.

After Defeat at Flodden Randolph Murray Returns to Edinburgh. 

Dantes Dream, from the Divine Comedy.

How an Angel rowed Sir Galahad.


Pan Piping (Evening).

Sir Galahad.

The Isle is full of Noises.

The Pursuit Of Pleasure - A Vision Of Human Life.

The song of Silenus.


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