Sébastien Bourdon

Sébastien Bourdon (1616-1671), pintor francés.

Bacchus und Ceres mit Nymphen und Satyren.1640-60.

Le Sacrifice de Noe a la sortie de l'Arche.1640.

Augustus visiting Alexander's tomb in Alexandria.1643.

Le crucifiement de Saint Pierre.1643. 

The finding of Moses.1650. 

Moses and the brazen serpent.1653-54. 

Ulysses Discovering Astyanax Hidden in Hector's Tomb.1654-56.

The Holy Family with St Elizabeth and the Infant St John.1660. 


Jacob Burying Labans Images.

Jacob buries the idols in the land of Shechem under an oak tree.

Massacre of the Innocents.

Venus and Aeneas.

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