Gerrit van Honthorst

Gerrit van Honthorst (1590-1656) ,pintor flamenco.

Christ before the High Priest.1617. 

The Mocking of Christ.1617. 

Supper Party.1619.

Childhood of Christ.1620.

Christ Crowned with Thorns.1620.

The Incredulity of St Thomas.1620. 

Samson and Delilah.1621. 

De doornenkroning van Christus.1622.

The Dentist.1622. 

Merry Company.1623.

Saint Sebastian.1623.

The Merry Fiddler.1623. 

Solon and Croesus.1624.

The Concert.1624.

The Denial of St Peter.1622-24.

The Happy Violinist with a Glass of Wine.1624.

Granida and Daifilo.1625.

The Death of Seneca.1625.

The Procuress.1625.

Apollo and Diana.1628. 

The Tooth Puller.1628. 

The Concert.1626-30. 

The Flea Hunt.1630.

The four eldest children of the Queen of Bohemia.1631.

Fluitspelende herder en vier nimfen.1632.

Diana Resting After The Hunt .

King Charles I.

St Jerome.

Susanna and the Elders. 

Woman with viola da gamba.

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