John William Waterhouse

John William Waterhouse. (Roma, 1849 - Londres, 1917).


Consulting the Oracle.1884.

Saint Eulalia.1885. 

The Magic Circle.1886 .

The Lady Of Shallot.1888.

Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus.1891 .

Ulysses and the sirens.1891.

Circe Invidiosa.1892.

La belle dam sans mercie.1893.

The Hamadryad.1893.

Hylas and the Nymphs.1896.

A Mermaid.1892-1900.  

Pandora.1898 . 

The Awakening of Adonis.1899.


Nymphs Finding the Head of Orpheus.1900.

The Siren.1900. 

Echo and Narcissus.1903.

Lamia.1905 .

The Danaides.1906.

Jason and Medea.1907.

Penelope and the Suitors.1912. 

"I am Half Sick of Shadows",said the Lady of Shalott.1915. 

Miranda - the Tempest.1916 .

Tristram and Isolde.1916.

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