Karl Briullóv

Karl Pávlovich Briullóv.( San Petersburgo 1799  – 1852, Roma)

Members of the expedition to Mount Vesuvius.1824. 

 Pilgrims in the Roorway of The Lateran Basilica.1825.

Holiday vintage.1827. 

Young Girl Gathering Grapes in the Neighbourhood of Naples.1827.

Confessions of an Italian.1827-1830. 

The last Day of Pompeii.1827-1833.

Genseric sacking Rome 455.1833-1836. 

Death of Inessa de Castro.1834. 

The Bogoroditsky oak.1835. 

Siege of Pskov Polish King Stephen Bathoryin 1581.1838-43.

Bakhchisarayskiy Fountain.1849.
Diana, Endymion and satire.1849. 
Sweet waters near Constantinople.1849.

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