Jean Baptiste Édouard Detaille

Jean Baptiste Édouard Detaille ( 1848 -1912).pintor francés.

The Battle of Villejuif Siege of Paris 1870.1870.

The death of commandant Berbegier.1870. 

La rebe.1888. 

Chorus of the fourth infantry battalion at Tsarskoe Selo.1889.

Sortie de la Garnison de Huningue 26 août 1815.1892. 

The Orientation.1895. 

Mounted first Empire Dragoons in front of a country house.1897.

La victoire ou la liberté conduisant les armées françaises à la victoire.1906. 

Grenadiers of the French Imperial Guard after some heavy fighting.

The French expedition to Constantine in 1837  was commanded by General Charles de Damrémont.

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