Víktor Vasnetsov

Víktor Mijáilovich Vasnetsóv (1848—1926) ,pintor ruso.

Acrobats. Festival in a Paris suburb.1876-77.

A Knight at the Crossroads.1878.

After Igor Svyatoslavich's fighting with the Polovtsy.1880.

The Flying Carpet.1880.

Battle of Slavsand Scythians.1881.

A Stone Age Feast.1883.

Stone Age..1883-85. 

Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.1887.

Ivan Tsarevich on the Grey Wolf. 1889.

Sirin (left) and Alkonost (right) – Birds of Joy and Sorrow.1896.

Gamaun, The prophetic bird.1897.


Entombment of The Christ.1901. 

The Last Judgement.1904.

The Bard Bayan (Boyan).1910.

Fight Dobrynya Nikitich with seven headed serpent Hydra.1913-18.


The Sleeping princess.1920-26.

The Unsmiling Tsarevna (Nesmeyana).1916-26.

Baba Yaga.

Ivan Tsarevich with the Serpent.

The Last Judgment.

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